Psalm 147:1–20 (ESV)

1 Praise the LORD! For it is good to sing praises to our God; for it is pleasant, and a song of praise is fitting.

In Psalm 147:3 we hear about the Lord's restoration of his people. We see this restoration especially in Jesus Christ. Through him, an end will come to the endless series of sins, and through him all that is broken will be restored. On earth Jesus also made this visible through the many healings and miracles he did. These miracles point to his kingdom that will come, where there will be no more brokenness.

In Psalm 147:9 we heard about the ravens. Jesus has strengthened the fact that God looks after all of life in Luke 12:22–32. In this sense, we are to consider the ravens that God looks after, and as God takes care of them, will he not, as our heavenly Father, also look after us, his children?

In Psalm 147:10 we heard that God often uses the weak of this world. See 1 Corinthians 1:18 – 2:5. What is not popular is being chosen by God. What is weak, is God’s power. The preaching of the gospel seems a weak and foolish story, but it is God’s manner of (providing) salvation. That weak story is God’s power.

If we consider Psalm 147:20 in combination with Romans 10:8, we see God's nearness: God is near us, his people, through his revelation in Jesus Christ. The Bible speaks about him. God comes close to us in and through his Word.