1. John 1:6–13 (ESV)
  2. Application

The true Light rejected

John 1:6–13 (ESV)

6 There was a man sent from God, whose name was John.

Jesus Christ did not come in a way that prevented people from realizing who he was. There was a prophet sent to prepare people for his coming. John the Baptist ministered in the desert where he taught that there was one to come after him, the Lord who would baptize with the Holy Spirit (Mark 1:1–9).

During his life on earth, Jesus also performed various miracles that only the Creator could do. At the wedding of Cana he turned barrels of water into the best wine that has ever been drunk on earth (John 2:1–11). On the grass plains overlooking the Sea of Galilee he fed a crowd of 5,000 people with five loaves and two fish (John 6:1–15) and later that evening he walked across the water to join his disciples in a boat (John 6:16–21). When his friend Lazarus died, he wept with Mary and Martha and then he did the impossible: he raised Lazarus from the dead (John 11:1–44).

The miracles that Jesus did were done in public, and were a clear testimony to his power and authority. And they were also explained by his teaching. Yet when the people saw these miracles, they refused to believe what was right in front of them. The crowd of 5,000 thought he was some kind of magician and they tried to forcibly make him their king (John 6:15). The chief priests wanted to have Lazarus killed because he was evidence of what Jesus could do, a threat to their status and power in society (John 11:9–11).

Jesus’ glory may have been hidden during his ministry. He came in a way that required faith, but he did not come in disguise. He was in the world, he was among the people whom he had made, but he was not recognized.