The Bible does not teach tradesmen to give their things away for free. It is true that the value of things rises when these things are scarce. But there is a type of tradesman who will refuse to sell life goods in times of drought and hunger, so that he can wait for the prices to rise. This is a wicked practice. The law of supply and demand can never be the ultimate law by which we live.
Desperate people will “curse” the tradesman who refuses to sell what they need so much. On the other hand, people will bless the man who sells to them what they need fairly. Think of Joseph, who made grain available to Egyptians and foreigners, when the time of famine came. Many people blessed him, because he had saved their lives (Genesis 47:25).
We should remember that God hears these curses and blessings. He is a God who “does not ignore the cry of the afflicted” (Psalm 9:12).
26 The people curse him who holds back grain, but a blessing is on the head of him who sells it.