1. Ephesians 4:24 (ESV)
  2. Exposition

What does it mean to be created after the likeness of God?

Ephesians 4:24 (ESV)

24 and to put on the new self, created after the likeness of God in true righteousness and holiness.

In short

To be created after the likeness of God means

  1. a new spiritual nature has been created after God’s image; or

  2. to live in righteousness and holiness.

Paul calls the Ephesians to put on the new self, created after the likeness of God in righteousness and holiness. So what does it mean that the new self is created after the likeness of God?

That the new self is created after the likeness of God means that through the work of Christ, God has created a new self according to his standard. And Paul calls the Ephesians to deny their sinful lifestyle and put on this new self. We can detect that his point is that God has created a new self according to his standard, because created points to an action in the past that happened to the new self. Thus, the new self is something that God has created in the past, according to his standard. Believers then put this new self on when they place their faith in Christ.

Some authors think that created after the likeness of God has to do with living an ethical life. They think this because Paul says the new self is created after God in righteousness and holiness. Of course, God is righteous and holy. Then in Ephesians 5:1, Paul exhorts the Ephesians to be imitators of God. Thus, Paul’s point seems to be that believers put on the new self and so be created after the likeness of God, as in, live in righteousness and holiness.

While living in righteousness and holiness is the result of putting on the new self, Paul is not calling the believing to live ethical lives in Ephesians 4:24. Rather, he is calling believers to put on the new self, and he explains that it is this new self that has been created after the likeness of God in righteousness and holiness. In other words, Paul is not calling the believers to ethical living, but to put on the new self, which has to do with putting one’s faith in Christ.

In the end, when Paul says the new self is created after the likeness of God, his point is that by placing their faith in Christ, and putting aside their sinful nature, believers put on the new nature, which is characterized not by sin but by righteousness and holiness.

Interpretation 1:
A new spiritual nature has been created after God’s image.


Adam and Eve were created in the image of God, but when they fell into sin something was lost. Through Christ, God makes it possible for us to put on a new nature that has been created after God’s likeness. That is, God makes it possible that anyone who is in Christ is a new spiritual creation.

When we live in lust, greed, envy, and the like, we live according to our sinful flesh, which is to live contrary to God’s will. Through faith in Christ, it is possible for us to put off our sinful nature and put on the new nature, which has been created according to God’s likeness. This means that it is possible by the power of the Holy Spirit to reject sin and live in righteousness and holiness.


  • Steven Baugh

  • F.F. Bruce

  • Harold Hoehner

Minor differences:

Our authors agree that there is a connection between being created after the likeness of God and the fact that humans were originally created in God’s image. They also agree that the new man being created after the likeness of God has to do with God’s enabling humans to live according to a new nature in righteousness and holiness. Still, authors understand in different ways the idea of God's creating a new nature.

Steven Baugh equates being created after the likeness of God with a new resurrection existence, that believers put on.1 He says that creation is a simple act that has to do with the fact that believers have donned this new existence through the act of a God who is rich in love.2 For Baugh, the phrase created after the likeness of God has to do with God's giving believers a new existence.

Harold Hoehner seems to understand Paul slightly differently. It is not the donning or putting on of the new man that is God’s act of creation. Rather, God has created a new spiritual nature for man to put on. Hoehner explains that this new person has been created after God’s image, and that anyone in Christ is this new creation.3

It seems that F.F. Bruce combines insights from both authors. For Bruce, when Paul calls the Ephesians to put on the new man, created after the likeness of God, his point is that the reproduction of his [Christ’s] likeness in his people is an act of divine creation. In other words, being created after the likeness of God is God’s causing believers to put on the new man, which is created after the likeness of Christ.4


Interpretation 2:
To be created after the likeness of God is to live in righteousness and holiness.


Paul calls the Ephesians to put off their old self, and to put on the new self. To put on the new self is to live in righteousness and holiness, and so live after the likeness of God 


  • Margaret MacDonald

  • Thomas Slater

Minor differences:

 Our author agrees that Paul has ethical concerns in mind in Ephesians 4:24. When Thomas Slater paraphrases Ephesians 4:24, he leaves out after the likeness of God, leaving us with created in righteousness and holiness. The paraphrase helps us see what Slater is likely trying to get at. For him, Paul says that the Ephesians ought to put on the new self, which has to do with living an individually moral life.8 By doing so, the believer will be created in righteousness and holiness.

Margaret MacDonald has similar ideas in mind, but her view is more direct. She simply writes, To be created after the likeness of God is to live in righteousness and holiness. 9 So for MacDonald, Paul calls the Ephesians to live in righteousness and holiness, and by so doing, they are created after the likeness of God.
