1. Mark 2:1 (ESV)
  2. Exposition

To what time frame does “after some days” refer?

Mark 2:1 (ESV)

1 And when he returned to Capernaum after some days, it was reported that he was at home.

The story about the healing of the paralytic brings us back to Capernaum, the place that served as the point of departure for a journey to many cities (Mark 1:21, Mark 1:35, Mark 1:39).

Mark does not specify the time that has passed. It must have been less than a year: Jesus returned to the city after some days (Mark 2:1). But the period must have been more than a few days. The circular tour must have taken weeks, if not months and the healing of the paralytic took place after the tour. This is apparent from a small detail. The flood of people was so great that it became impossible for Jesus to publicly enter a city. Instead, he stayed in desolate places, where the people came to see him (Mark 1:45). Jesus’ return to Capernaum apparently happened during this time. For he did not overtly enter his own city either. No one saw him come; people only heard that he had come home. That is why the expression di ’hèmeroon is given an indefinite translation, after some days.1