1. 1 Chronicles 4:24–5:26 (ESV)
  2. Structure and outline

Outline of 1 Chronicles 4:24—5:26

1 Chronicles 4:24–5:26 (ESV)

24 The sons of Simeon: Nemuel, Jamin, Jarib, Zerah, Shaul;

  1. Tribe of Simeon (1 Chronicles 4:24–43)

    1. The genealogy proper (1 Chronicles 4:24–27)

    2. Catalogue of settlements (1 Chronicles 4:28–33)

    3. Leaders and conquests (1 Chronicles 4:28–33)

  2. Transjordanian Tribes (1 Chronicles 5:1–26)

    1. Tribe of Reuben (1 Chronicles 5:1–10)

      1. Reubenite Genealogy (1 Chronicles 5:1–8a)

      2. Reubenite Geographical Notices (1 Chronicles 5:8–9)

      3. Reubenite Territorial Expansion (1 Chronicles 5:10)

    2. Tribe of Gad (1 Chronicles 5:11–17)

      1. Gadite Geographical Notices (1 Chronicles 5:11–12)

      2. Gadite Genealogy (1 Chronicles 5:13–15)

      3. Gadite Geographical Notice (1 Chronicles 5:16)

      4. Notation of Source (1 Chronicles 5:17)

    3. Transjordanian Victory Narrative (1 Chronicles 5:18–22)

      1. Preparations for Battle (1 Chronicles 5:18)

      2. Battle Waged (1 Chronicles 5:19)

      3. Prayer and Divine Intervention (1 Chronicles 5:20)

      4. Battle Won (1 Chronicles 5:21–22a)

      5. Settlement after Battle (1 Chronicles 5:22b)

    4. Half-tribe of Manasseh (1 Chronicles 5:22)

      1. Manassehite Numbers and Territories (1 Chronicles 5:23)

      2. Manassehite Deportation Narrative (1 Chronicles 5:24–26)

      3. Manassehite Warriors in the Land (1 Chronicles 5:24)

      4. Manassehite Apostasy (1 Chronicles 5:25)

      5. Manassehite Deportation from the Land (1 Chronicles 5:26)1