1. Judges 17:5 (ESV)
  2. Exposition

What is problematic about Micah ordaining someone to be priest?

Judges 17:5 (ESV)

5 And the man Micah had a shrine, and he made an ephod and household gods, and ordained one of his sons, who became his priest.

Micah ordains one of his sons to become his priest. This is a direct challenge to the officially authorized Aaronic priesthood, where only those of the tribe of Levi were to be priests (Exodus 29:9; Exodus 29:9). This man who is a thief, an idolater, and one who dishonours his mother, appoints a priest! But in Micah’s family, and indeed in Israel as a whole, obedience to God’s commands in how to approach and worship him had become an optional extra, not a central principle.1