1. Revelation 21:12 (ESV)
  2. Exposition

Why are the names of the twelve tribes of the sons of Israel inscribed on the gates?

Revelation 21:12 (ESV)

12 It had a great, high wall, with twelve gates, and at the gates twelve angels, and on the gates the names of the twelve tribes of the sons of Israel were inscribed

We may picture in the eye of our mind a single different name inscribed upon each gate, these being the names of the twelve sons of Jacob (Genesis 35:23–26; Exodus 1:2–4). The addition of the phrase “of the sons” should be understood as “of the twelve tribes, that is, of the sons.” With that addition, we are instructed to fix our attention on the cradle of Israel’s existence as a nation. Specifically, children (“sons”) never earn their birth into this world. Who their parents are, when they are born, into what situation they come are never self-determined but granted by another (at a minimum by the parents). The names on the gates, then, speak to God’s mighty work in forming a people for himself, a Bride. Of further interest is the use of the father’s name “Israel” and not “Jacob.” The name “Israel” places the attention not on the man Jacob (= cheat, Genesis 25:26) but on God’s faithfulness (Genesis 32:22–28). So attention is drawn again to this city’s origin as God’s work. All who would enter the gates of this city must of necessity embrace the gracious work of God who saves cheats and welcomes helpless and undeserving failures into his glorious presence.