The woman is urging the young women not to allow themselves to be sexually aroused until the right time and person arrives. The natural joy of sexual awakening is ruined by premature experimentation.
This warning at the end of this section highlights the tension this young couple experiences, especially the young woman. It reminds us that Scripture recognizes and even rejoices in sexual attraction between a man and a woman. It rejoices in the exciting and often overwhelming start of a relationship between two people who are powerfully attracted to each other. Sexual attraction is biblical. It is a good and wonderful part of how God has created people. But as powerful and good as this attraction is, it is also dangerous if it is awakened at the wrong time with the wrong person. Suppressing and denying this attraction is not the answer, but rather recognizing that it is in fact a good gift from God and must therefore be expressed and acted on in a way that remains faithful to him. Trust that he knows the best way for these powerful feelings to be experienced, in marriage, and not before. This opening section acknowledges that this tension can be challenging to live with!
7 I adjure you, O daughters of Jerusalem, by the gazelles or the does of the field, that you not stir up or awaken love until it pleases.