1. Psalm 148:7 (ESV)
  2. Exposition

Commentary on Psalm 148:7 (Summary)

Psalm 148:7 (ESV)

7 Praise the LORD from the earth, you great sea creatures and all deeps,

The Bible begins with in the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. Psalm 148 opens with Praise the Lord from the heavens. Now, in Psalm 148:7, the call is addressed to the second part of creation: Praise the Lord from the earth.

With the first and general call (Psalm 148:1–6) it is less justified to think directly of people. In Psalm 148:7–12 we notice something of an ascent, which is comparable with the story of creation, and so the people appear at the end.

In Psalm 14:7b, the large animals of the sea are mentioned first. The word used here refers not only to large sea creatures but also to the enormous quantities and diverse creatures who live in the sea. Their dwelling places must also share in the praise to their Creator. The oceans with all their life forms, even at great depths, and the richness of colours show God’s greatness.

Based on this text, we need to think about man’s responsibility and about the sins of man with regard to the oceans. Man pollutes the seas, destroys life in the oceans, empties oil in the ocean, and creates plastic soup. A rise in the temperature of seawater does harm to Psalm 148:7, as it diminishes the praise from the sea!