1. Genesis 9:12–17 (ESV)
  2. Exposition

Commentary on Genesis 9:12–17 (Summary)

Genesis 9:12–17 (ESV)

12 And God said, “This is the sign of the covenant that I make between me and you and every living creature that is with you, for all future generations:

The rainbow is the sign that the Lord will never again allow a worldwide flood to come over the earth. The rainbow is meant for the people on earth. God’s revelation, his Word, is directed to the people. When they see the rainbow, it is the Lord showing, “I remember; I confirm that I will never again flood the entire earth.” You often see the rainbow when it has rained heavily. The Lord then gives us the message that this rain will not lead to a worldwide flood. Time and again, the rainbow shows God’s faithfulness. Therefore, its appearance is a guarantee. In fact, it is not only human beings but the entire creation that can take courage. We see the rainbow as a sign of God’s faithfulness, also in Revelation 4:3. God and his government, among other things, are characterized by his faithfulness (see also Isaiah 54:9).