James 1:27 (ESV)

27 Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.

To visit widows and orphans does not mean you drop by their house to see how they are doing. This is the term that is used of God himself, who has visited us in salvation; it is to come in order to alleviate; to remove the difficulties; to bring balm and help. It is not simply to say, go be full and be warm, but it has to do with what we can do to be sure that they are full and warm. We are reminded here then of the deaconry's responsibility of the church and of us as individuals; to help those with whom we come in contact and are able immediately to alleviate their difficulties and help them in very concrete ways. But we should focus these ministries in that institution that God has appointed unto that end. And so we are involved in the church, not only with our giving but with our own time and labour. And under the direction of the deacons and the church then, to minister to the widows and the orphans, to the needy.1

Joseph A. Pipa