James 1:25 (ESV)

25 But the one who looks into the perfect law, the law of liberty, and perseveres, being no hearer who forgets but a doer who acts, he will be blessed in his doing.

The perfection of the Word of God reminds us that it is true. It is infallible. It is an inerrant revelation of who our God is, what he wants us to believe, and how he wants us to live. And we can handle it with confidence as the true and perfect Word of God.

It is perfect as well, because it sets before us the way of perfection. It shows us that the only one who is accepted by God is the One who is perfect. It then condemns us, showing us that in ourselves we cannot attain that. We are law breakers. And then it sets before us the One who perfectly kept the law of God. It teaches us that in him is the fulfillment of all righteousness. It directs us to him through faith and repentance, that we, in him then, might come into the perfection of the law legally before God. But it is also the pathway of perfection. The God who has said to his children, be holy as I am holy; be perfect as I am perfect, has given us the law. And he now guides us that in Christ, we have the liberty to keep it…It is the Word of God through which we have heard the declaration of our pardon. It has declared to us the freedom, the desires in Christ Jesus. Free from condemnation, free now to walk in its precepts because we are in Christ Jesus. In fact, it is the perfect law of liberty because it has been written upon our hearts as well, which means that in regeneration we have been given by God the ability, by the power of the Spirit, on the basis of the perfect work of the Lord Jesus Christ, to obey.1

Joseph A. Pipa