1. James 1:17 (ESV)
  2. Application

Unchangeable in God's good purpose

James 1:17 (ESV)

17 Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.

Eternal God is the unchangeable God, the same yesterday and forever. And because he is unchangeable, he is unchangeable in his purposes. It is not like today he loves me and tomorrow he does not. It is not like today he has designed this in my life and tomorrow he has changed his mind. No, what the Holy Spirit wants us to understand is that this Father, who is bestowing his gifts upon us, is absolutely unchangeable and thus perfect, good, benevolent, kind in the bestowal of every gift. And every gift is perfect to accomplish exactly that which God intents for it to do. Then when things go awry, the problem is not with the Giver, the problem is in the receiver. We choose the wrong response to the good gift—bitterness, grumbling, simple acts, rationalizations, rather than looking at what the Father has designed for me in this and how he wants me to respond.

And so, it is such a wonderful comprehension. God wants us not to despise his gifts. And in his gifts, he does everything he does in your life. Do not despise the broken-down car; do not despise having to go and see a psychiatrist; do not despise that your friend has been arrested, because our God does not make mistakes. Our God is sovereign, but he is also good.1

Joseph A. Pipa