1. James 1:14–15 (ESV)
  2. Application

Downward spiral of sin

James 1:14–15 (ESV)

14 But each person is tempted when he is lured and enticed by his own desire.

God has designed the trial and temptation to bring us to maturity—the accomplishment of his good work in us. With that comes the enticement to respond wrongly. We give in to that and continue in that; and there is another perfection—it is the perfection of the bondage of sin which ends in death. It is what J. Adams calls, the downward spiral of sin. We commit the sin, we do not give in to the pricking of the Holy Spirit and the testimony of conscience, but rather we begin to pursue sin. Sin becomes...a habit. It is what begins to mark our lives. This is the step of what the apostle describes when he says that no drunkard or fornicator or homosexual or robber or slanderer or whatever shall inherit the kingdom of God. These are the adult sinners. Now, you could be ten years old and be an adult sinner. [Adult sinners] are the those in whom sin has gone to its maturity. These are the ones who are in bondage to sin.

It works like physical addiction. A person plays around with heroine or crack or cocaine; they get pleasure out of that; they wrestle with that, but soon they are hardened in that course. It is what happens in the use of pornography, whether print pornography or on the computer. It is what happens in the development of becoming a gossiper. There is such pleasure in it [that] you suppress your conscience and conviction of the Spirit and you habitually become marked by this behaviour. This is what happens. We have taken the wrong course in response, through the circumstances in which we find ourselves in the testing and trial, and we do not cut off the sin, it is going to form the habit and the end is death.1

Joseph A. Pipa