1. James 1:4 (ESV)
  2. Application

God has a purpose

James 1:4 (ESV)

4 And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.

God has a purpose. There is nothing purposeless. I do not care how minor the irritant, how severe the affliction, there is nothing purposeless in God's work in your life. And that is how we must think about God's aim and intention. That leads us to seek to improve the infliction by praying, not just for deliverance, which we may do, but before we do that, we should pray, Lord, teach me the lessons you have designed for me. We pray this so that we might know his intent, that we might take hold of it; that we might see his Spirit working it out in our lives. Thinking biblically leads us to understand that every trial comes according to God's time plan. It did not fit my calendar, but it fits his calendar perfectly. Think as the Bible teaches us to think. It causes us to realize that God is all-wise and he does not make mistakes. He has not missed out on something. He has not forgotten that I have just finished going through this other trial. He is wise, he is powerful. And so as we go into these trials, we think on God and then we cling to Christ Jesus.1

Joseph A. Pipa