1. 1 Samuel 7:1–17 (ESV)
  2. Sermon suggestions

Sermon outline for 1 Samuel 7

1 Samuel 7:1–17 (ESV)

1 And the men of Kiriath-jearim came and took up the ark of the LORD and brought it to the house of Abinadab on the hill. And they consecrated his son Eleazar to have charge of the ark of the LORD.

  • Introduction

    Mention that 1 Samuel 7 is the concluding episode in the first cycle or section of 1 Samuel. That is an encouraging moment where the Lord acts to deliver his people.

  • The Lord works repentance

    • Explain: what was the situation at the beginning of 1 Samuel 7? How does this situation compare to the beginning of the book as a whole?

    • Explain: what was the glimmer of hope? How does the Lord bring about repentance in the hearts of his people?

  • The Lord is gracious and trustworthy 

    • Explain: why do the Israelites ask Samuel to pray for them? How does the Lord’s response show that he is more powerful than Baal?

    • Explain: how does the memorial stone relate to the old covenant? What does it show about covenant obedience? What does it show about God’s grace?

    • Explain: how does the work of Samuel point forward to Jesus Christ? What did he do to atone for sin? What did he do to merit God’s blessing for us?

    • Explain: how does 1 Samuel 7 show that we are utterly dependent upon the Lord?

    • Apply: if we belong to the Lord, we must forsake idols. What are the idols that people worship where you live and work? How are we tempted to do the same? What will it look like in practice to forsake those idols?

  • Prayer of response

    Heavenly Father, truly you deserve all our loyalty. Bought twice, you made us from the dust of the earth and you redeemed us through the blood of your Son. We belong to you from head to toe. We are your children; we are your servants.

    Please help us to trust you with everything we have and everything we do. Our hearts are prone to wonder, prone to leave the God we love. Keep us by your Spirit. Keep us by the preaching of your Word. Keep us by your means of grace as we meditate on what you have done for us in Christ. May our Lord Jesus be for us a memorial stone that testifies to your underserved love and faithfulness. May we consider his life, death, and resurrection, and know that you truly care for us and that you will give us everything we need for body and soul. Our daily bread comes from your hand.

    Help us to respond to your love by seeking your will before our own. Your will alone is holy and good. Your will alone is perfect and pure. May your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.